Desert locust risk mapping (P-LOCUST)
Desert locust risk mapping (P-LOCUST)

Agriculture and food security (AFS)
Agriculture is the base of the economy of West Africa, which, as the World Bank asserts, provides livelihoods for most of the vulnerable population..

Land use land cover change and ecosystems (LUE)
Landscape management is associated with major challenges and opportunities throughout West Africa..

Water and water-related disasters (WRD)
Water scarcity and excess are the major constraints to sustainable livelihoods in the Sahel and West Africa. They usually result in floods and droughts..

Weather and climate (WAC)
West Africa is prone to high variability in seasonal weather. This is exacerbated by climate change, which increases the severity and frequency of this variation. Traditional means..

Financial instruments (FIS)
Financial Instruments (FIS) is a new service area proposed by SERVIR West Africa for 2022-2027 to build EO services that leverage stakeholders’ access to financial resources across..

c/o ICRISAT West and Central Africa Region Hub,
Samanko Station, Route de la Guinée,
P.O. Box 320, Bamako, Mali