Weather and Climate Resilience
Weather and Climate Resilience
West Africa is prone to high variability in seasonal weather. This is exacerbated by climate change, which increases the severity and frequency of this variation. Traditional means of adaptation to seasonal variations have become less effective. At the same time, the meteorological infrastructure has degraded. Thus, remote sensing and advanced modeling of the climate and weather offer a means to inform decision-makers, farmers, the private sector, and other stakeholders of current and predicted meteorological events. This is particularly important as the region strives to build resilient agriculture and communities in the face of climate change.
During 2022-2027 SERVIR West Africa envisions that further efforts will target the improvement of short, medium, and long term (seasonal) forecasts and their use for crop monitoring. Capacity strengthening among intermediaries (media, NGOs, civil society, private sector) and end-users to understand, use and communicate about early warning products will receive particular attention. The WAC service area is led by the AGRHYMET Regional Centre (CRA, Niamey, Niger).