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Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration

Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is a low-cost land restoration technique used to combat poverty and hunger amongst poor farmers by increasing food and timber production and resilience to climate extremes. In practice, FMNR involves the systematic regrowth and management of trees and shrubs from felled tree stumps, sprouting root systems or seeds. The regrown trees and shrubs, which help restore soil structure and fertility, inhibit erosion and soil moisture evaporation, rehabilitate springs and the water table, and increase biodiversity. Some tree species also impart nutrients such as nitrogen into the soil. Satellite imagery and GIS can contribute to this objective by characterizing LULC based on physical and socio-economic factors in areas where FMNR has been successfully implemented, identifying suitable areas for upscaling FMNR practices based on the identified characteristics, and analysing how the FMNR and non-FMNR areas change by using time series analysis and the effects on crop yields. To finalize the service, the remaining activities proposed include the validation of the suitability mapping model, and it’s scaling up for wide adoption in Niger and other countries of the Sahel. So, suitable areas to upscale FMNR will be communicated to stakeholder and farmer associations. This work may also be supported by NASA, National Great Green Wall Agencies, and their partners.
